

For our kids, together, we will make the best HOPE!

How to make donation to HCS:
1. Direct donation to HCS

• We accept direct cash or check donation.

• Our treasure will provide you a official donation receipt for your tax return.

(Please make check payable to TCS (Tempe Chinese School))

2. Donation through your companies, who support non-profit organization by matching United Way donation or gift donation

• Intel (Contact: Qing Zhou)

• Medtronic (Contact: Sa Huang)

• American Express (Contact: Jin Wu)

• Boeing (Contact: Caihong Zhao)

• BOA foundation (Contact: Tao Wu)

• Let us know if your company supports us

3. Our VIP discount Card Program

• $10 each card

• Enjoy 10% or more discount at the best Chinese Restaurants in Phoenix area